All articles about Fill & Filtration

Fill & Filtration

Single-use filtration systems and their impact on process integrity for biopharma

The big names in the pharmaceutical industry are increasingly switching from immobile systems based on bulky stainless steel tankers to scalable single-use filtration systems. But why is this so?


Michael Eder

May 7, 2020

Fill & Filtration

Super-fast, Agile and Modular Single Use Filling System for the Biopharma Industry

The fill and drain process for biopharmaceutical products can be a massive challenge for the biopharma industry. Here, single use systems offer a multitude of advantages.


Michael Eder

May 21, 2019

Recommended Downloads


Whitepaper: Automated Aseptic Filling

Automated Aseptic Filling Unprecedented flexibility to filling well


Success Story RoSS.FILL: Aseptic Aliquoting in Bioprocessing Applications

A Success Story of the RoSS.FILL Automated Filling Solution that Connects Upstream, Downstream and Fill & Finish. The major technology gaps are filled by automated aseptic dispensing platforms that transfer drug substances from one process step to another, such as from downstream to fill & finish. But the proven record of aseptic filling with RoSS.FILL goes into more areas of application, including seed train intensification, bacterial fermentation, media perparation and fill finish of small volumes in single-use bags.


App Note: Enhancing Flexibility & Accuracy With Single Use Support and Sonotec

Enhancing Process Flexibility and Filling Accuracy With Automated Filling. For low volume dispensing at a commercial scale, accuracy and repeatability are essential. To achieve a filling accuracy range of even less than ± 1 mL with the RoSS.FILL platform, Single Use Support decided to implement SONOTEC‘s SONOFLOW CO.55 V3.0 ultrasonic flow meters. Hence, RoSS.FILL users benefit from advanced process safety, flexibility, and scalability with accurate and airless volume dosing.