All articles about Single-use Consumables

Single-use Consumables

Extractables and leachables: definitions, differences & facts

Extractables and leachables are contaminants that are causing biopharmaceutical manufacturers headaches, as they can lead to impurities of highly valuable drug products. While extractables and leachables both describe foreign matter that can lead to contamination of highly valuable drug products, it is important to understand their characterization but also the difference between the two.


David Seifert

April 12, 2022

Single-use Consumables

Single-use tubing assemblies – all parts at a glance

Are you switching your operation to single-use tubing assemblies? In the following, we show you more about the separate components that single-use tubing assemblies and manifolds are made up of and their specific functions.


David Seifert

March 8, 2022

Single-use Consumables

PUPSIT - An Introduction to Pre-use Post Sterilization Integrity Testing

PUPSIT will contribute to simplifying not only integrity testing and validation but manufacturing processes in general, while keeping in line with current good manufacturing processes and any standards and guidelines defined by major authorities such as FDA and EMA. Read all about it!


David Seifert

March 7, 2022

Single-use Consumables

Whitepaper: How controlled freezing enables scalability

In a comprehensive study the impact of ice front growth speed on scalability of freezing protein solutions has been evaluated.


Michael Eder

February 15, 2022

Single-use Consumables

How to safely connect single-use tubings?

When safety, time and flexibility are of the essence, the solution should be an easy one. This is why the team at MyManifold have come up with an intuitive, easy-to-use configurator for sterile filling systems. Users can design their own assembly prototype. Read how!


Brian Moloney

January 3, 2022

Single-use Consumables

Sterile medical filters – Overview of the most reliable producers and their products

An overview of manufacturers and its brands of sterile medical membrane filters for biopharmaceutical fluid management.


Brian Moloney

December 28, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Medical tubing – Manufacturers, types and materials

An overview of manufacturers and its brands of single-use tubings for biopharmaceutical fluid management.


David Seifert

December 27, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Sterile Connectors for use in Pharma

An overview of manufacturers and its brands of sterile and aseptic connectors for biopharmaceutical fluid management.


Brian Moloney

December 27, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Small volumes of ATMPs: Safe handling of single-use bags

Cell and Gene therapies such as CAR T-cell therapy have proven their potential to become standard treatments to hard-to-treat diseases. Single Use Support has developed solutions for crucial challenges - read more!


Michael Mühlegger

December 2, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Protecting single-use bags to foster their progress

Single-use systems are on the rise. And yet there is hesitation to make single-use technologies continue to thrive. Get to know how single-use systems get full acceptance. 


Michael Eder

November 29, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Weak Point: Avoiding leakages of Single-Use Tubings in Biopharma

The quick and efficient aseptic transfer of highly valuable and at the same time extremely sensitive drug substances is a critical process step. Learn how to avoid leakages!


Brian Moloney

September 1, 2021

Single-use Consumables

Defying the shortages in single-use manifold assemblies

Single-use manifolds are without any doubt the cohering element that keep running the biomanufacturing of drug substances, and it is the supplier’s duty to adapt on customers’ needs.


Michael Eder

June 16, 2021

Recommended Downloads


eBook: Filling Gaps in Managing Large Volumes of Biologics

Aseptic aliquotation and cryopreservation of drug substances are crucial process steps in bioprocessing. Even though they’re not in the spotlight of biomanufacturing. In drug development and drug delivery, biologics must be transferred at numerous occasions. Along the journey of monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and more, the drug substance passes lots of process steps where liquid transfer is required. This is relevant for the transitions between upstream processing, downstream processing and fill & finish, but also within these manufacturing milestones. The market of fluid & cold chain management has great growth potential and is on its way to professionalization and industrialization. To meet the challenges of manufacturing drug substances, Single Use Support helps manufacturers and CDMOs to advance their fluid & cold chain management process to achieve a secure and efficient process for liquids on the basis of single-use bags.


Whitepaper: Scalable Freezing & Thawing of Pharmaceutical Bulk

The process of freezing can lead to a denaturation of the protein. In fact, parts of the protein solution will always show less activity based on the stress the protein is exposed to during freezing and thawing. It is therefore important to optimize the freezing and thawing process in order to minimize activity loss. A key parameter for this process is the freezing or thawing rate.


App Note: Enhancing Flexibility & Accuracy With Single Use Support and Sonotec

Enhancing Process Flexibility and Filling Accuracy With Automated Filling. For low volume dispensing at a commercial scale, accuracy and repeatability are essential. To achieve a filling accuracy range of even less than ± 1 mL with the RoSS.FILL platform, Single Use Support decided to implement SONOTEC‘s SONOFLOW CO.55 V3.0 ultrasonic flow meters. Hence, RoSS.FILL users benefit from advanced process safety, flexibility, and scalability with accurate and airless volume dosing.