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Best choice for cold storage of Biopharmaceuticals - A Comparison

What's the best choice for long-term cold storage of valuable drug substance? Comparing different Biopharma technologies.

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

January 3, 2023


Single-Use Technologies: Scalable, Modular Systems Bring Cost Efficiency to Bioprocessing

Ebook published at GEN News (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News): The evolution of single-use technologies (SUTs) is among the most important developments of biomanufacturing. There has been a shift toward SUT, which has enhanced manufacturing agility and flexibility greatly.


Michael Eder

December 22, 2022


Upstream processing with single-use systems

The manufacturing process of biopharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies, mRNA and bioconjugates is divided into upstream and downstream processing. Manufacturers seeking reliable automation and optimization fit for scale-up are increasingly employing single-use bioreactors, titers, filtration and other components, especially during upstream.


Daniel Tischler

December 20, 2022


Downstream processing with single-use systems

One would think that a sector like the fast-paced biomanufacturing industry could not get any faster. Yet, increased speed-to-market and ever more efficient manufacturing continue to drive product and process development. This is why single-use technologies have become increasingly popular. Read more about single-use systems for downstream processing in this article. 


Daniel Tischler

December 19, 2022


What is upstream and downstream processing?

Upstream and downstream processing are two steps inherent to the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) used in biopharmaceuticals. The production is challenged by increasing regulation and manufacturing costs. This calls for flexible solutions, which is why a growing number of manufacturing processes utilize single-use systems


Daniel Tischler

December 19, 2022


Controlling cryogenic freezing with liquid nitrogen

To control cryogenic freezing is not an easy task, especially when liquid nitrogen is involved. To keep small molecules chemically stable and prevent chemical degradation, the right practices have to be in place. Find out everything about controlled cryogenic freezing with LN2 in this article!


Daniel Tischler

November 8, 2022


Controlled freezing of ADCs

Antibody-drug conjugates might revolutionize the treatment of cancer and various other diseases. However, there are some challenges to overcome in their handling, including controlled freezing – find out more in this article!


Johannes Kirchmair

October 13, 2022


Mission completed – and now? How RoSS® Shell is to be recycled

Once they have fulfilled their purpose to protect valuable biologics, the question for our RoSS containers arises: What now? This is why we summarized information on the recycling of our containers for single use bags in this article.

Claus Exenberger - Single Use Support

Claus Exenberger

October 12, 2022


Single-use bioprocessing: Why it pays off to switch to single-use systems now

Single-use systems are looking ahead a bright future – but what is it that manufacturers need to consider before the switch? Learn more about it in this article!


David Seifert

September 15, 2022


Cryogenic Freezing: All you need to know

Cryopreservation is an effective procedure for the quality-preserving storage of many biomaterials. Find out what cryopreservation actually is, what has to be considered along the process and where it is applied – all summed up in this article.


Daniel Tischler

August 1, 2022


Pharmaceutical cold chain management – overview of all freezing ranges

Temperature plays a significant role in the production and distribution of several revolutionary biologics. But how does the pharmaceutical cold chain work, and what temperature ranges are most frequently chosen? You will find out in this article!

Alexander Fuchs | Single Use Support

Alexander Fuchs

July 25, 2022


Ultra-cold freezing and storing – considerations & solutions

Implementing cold freezing and storing in supply chains is oftentimes inevitable when dealing with certain biopharmaceuticals. Learn what the main considerations are and find out how to face related challenges.


Daniel Tischler

July 19, 2022